Welcome to our Done-For-You Get Certified BYB premium training module. There is none like it and this module is specifically for Women, Minorities, Lesbian, Bisexual, Gay or Transgender, and Veterans Certification training. Congratulations on making the decision to add either the MBE, WBE, LGBTQBE or VOSB Certification to your business tool kit. It is the #1 Selling & Marketing Strategy that can boost your company into 7-figures over night.
The Certification process is a verification of statements that one is a minority, who owns and manages a firm. This verification is established through a thorough examination of various documents, on-site visits and interviews. The documents required depend on the type of organization that the firm has adopted – sole proprietorship, partnership or corporation and we cover this entire process in this program and much more.
It is a known fact that obtaining your Minority Business Enterprise (MBE) or Women Business Enterprise (WBE) Certification is the process that a business enterprise claiming to be a woman, minority-owned or veteran-owned business is able to verify the company’s 51% ownership by a minority or group of minorities that are US-citizens, and owned, managed and operated on a daily basis by the minority of group or minority owners. It is important to keep in mind that the Minority-Owned and Women-Owned businesses form a significant portion of the U.S. economy. In 2012, 8.0 million minorities owned businesses contributed $1.38 trillion in revenue and 7.2 million jobs to the economy.
This means that the U.S. minority population has grown rapidly. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, 37% of the U.S. population identifies as part of at least one minority class. While the National Association of Women Business Owners or NAWBO tells us that more than 11.3 million firms are owned by women, employing nearly nine million people, and generating $1.7 trillion in sales receipts as of 2017. For minorities and women, there is money on the table to make and you will learn how to win your slice of the pie in this module. This is an eye-opening training module. Get READY!!
This “Get Certified” module is jammed packed with seminar lectures and illustrations to walk you through this vigorous and tedious process and with the guidance of Coach Tawanna you can’t loose. Good Luck & Congratulations!!
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