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Testimonial by Dixon Edwards


I met Ms. Tawanna Heyward-Bey more than five years ago, when we were introduced by my payroll company who happened to be one of her business payroll clients. They introduced her to me as a Human Resources and Recruitment expert.  All these years later, I can still say, the introduction was a great idea and I value my business relationship with her today as a trusted adviser and consultant.


Three things stand out about Tawanna’s experience as an entrepreneur and consultant.  First, her unique small business experience managing contracts and overseeing over 1000 employees says a lot!  She managed her internal office and those many temporary and full-time employees under the watchful eye of the government, public and private sector clients and pull it off as a certified MBE and WBE minority women is quite impressive.  She does know what she is doing to certify, grow and manage any business.


Second, her integrity.  Tawanna has shown me that she will do what she says she is going to do or handle. She will fulfill, manage and oversee any obligations that need to be met on any business project put before her.  Her convictions to contribute to reaching the best outcome for a project for her clients is her ultimate goal.


Finally, her leadership style is something you rarely see in someone who has accomplished the things she has done. I have found that she takes a personal interest in people; she is very caring; she takes a genuine concern in her client’s goals and needs.  This is the reason why I continued to seek out her services and expertise after all these years.


I cannot think of anyone that I know, that I can talk to about “all things business” that has walked the walk and done what she has done as a boss and small business owner at the level of HR, communications, bidding on all kinds of contracts and more.  I have seen that even through adversity, she remains steady and positive, not tarnished but always moving forward towards building a profitable business. She is the real deal in business.


Dixon Edwards

Retired Dallas Cowboys Linebacker

3x Super Bowl Champions (XXVII, XXVIII, XXX))